Elements and Properties#


Elements are the building blocks of a layout. Anything that is seen on a card is an element. These are the available types of elements.

  • text - This element renders text onto a card. The font family and color can be changed, text can be colorized and decorated (eg underlined), and structured with a subset of HTML

  • image - This element is used to draw an image. Images can be resized while maintaining aspect ratio.

  • svg - This element is used to render an SVG, either a whole document or an item defined by id.

  • shapes - there are multiple elements for drawing basic shapes.

    • rect - a rectangle, with or without rounded corners.

    • circle and ellipse - both names are used for the same element. A basic circle or ellipse.

    • line - a line.

  • none - this element has nothing to draw, but can contain other elements, have a position, and rotate.

Composite Properties#

CLS makes use of two types of properties, single properties which take a single value, and composite properties which take multiple values separated by commas, for example:

  • keep-ratio: yes is a single property

  • font: 1/4in, Impact, red is a composite property

Composite properties are all made up of single properties, font above is made up of font-size, font-family, and font-color. Not all single properties are a part of a composite property, keep-ratio for example is only available alone. As a guideline, composite properties are recommended over single properties when available, but sometimes single properties offer better readability when using macros.

Some composite properties will be listed after their separate single properties when the values are different types. When the values are the same type, the composite property will be listed alone and merely state it’s a composite property. In these cases the single properties are named for the value names shown in the description, so size: X, Y can be broken down into x and y.

A small number of composite properties can take optional values, such as scale: SCALE-WIDTH(, SCALE-HEIGHT). In these cases the optional value is enclosed in parentheses, and the behavior if omitted will be described in the property listing.

Common Properties#

All elements share these properties.

  • type: TYPE - the type of the element, as listed above. This must be a literal value like the values used in the special sections; this means that macros will not be evaluated. Default value is none.

  • position: X, Y - the position of the element. Default value for both is 0. Composite property. Allowed values are any of

    • A number with units px, in, or mm, either positive or negative. This positions the element’s upper left to its container’s upper left. This is considered the standard positioning scheme.

    • A number with units px, in, or mm, and with the sign ^. This positions the element’s lower right to its container’s lower right. This and the above type can be combined, eg position: 1/4in, ^1/4in would position an element based on it’s lower left.

    • A number with unit % which positions the element relative to its container in the same direction, eg x: 50% will position the left edge of the element in the middle of its container going left-to-right.

    • center which centers the element within its container.

  • size: WIDTH, HEIGHT - the size of the element. Both WIDTH and HEIGHT must be present. Default value for both is 1/4in. Composite property. Allowed values are any of

    • A number with units px, in, or mm.

    • A number with unit %, which sizes the element relative to its container.

  • angle: ANGLE - the rotation of the element in degrees, with or without the unit deg. Can be positive which rotates clockwise or negative which rotates counter-clockwise. Elements rotate around their center. If a container is rotated, subelements are positioned according to that rotation. Default value is 0deg.

  • draw: TOGGLE - whether to draw this element, also affects any subelements. Default value is yes.

The text Element#

  • text: TEXT - the text to display. Default value is [].

  • font-size: FONT-SIZE - the size of the text. Default value is 18pt. Unit is one of pt, px, in, mm.

  • font-family: FONT-FAMILY - the font family to use. Default value is Verdana.

  • font-color: FONT-COLOR - the color of the text. Default value is black.

  • font: FONT-SIZE, FONT-FAMILY(, FONT-COLOR) - this is the composite property for the above three properties.

  • font-weight: WEIGHT - the heaviness of the font, eg 400, or 100. Used for fonts with multiple weights. If given the renderer will ignore the bold property or a bold value given to decoration. Default value is [].

  • shrink-font: LENGTH-FONT-SIZE-PAIRS - a list of pairs that match a length for text to a new font size. Pairs are split by : colon. LENGTH is a number without a unit and FONT-SIZE uses the same units as the font-size property above. Default value is (). See the example below for more information.

  • h-align: H-ALIGN - the horizontal alignment of text within the element. Default value is center. Allowed values are:

    • left

    • center

    • right

    • justify

  • v-align: V-ALIGN - the vertical alignment of text within the element. Default value is top, allowed values are:

    • top

    • middle

    • bottom

  • align: V-ALIGN, H-ALIGN - this is the composite property for the above two single properties.

  • decoration: DECOS - decoration options for the text, separated by commas. Default value is []. Values are allowed in any order, and each DECO has it’s own single property that takes a toggle, allowed values are:

    • italic

    • bold

    • overline

    • underline

    • line-thru or line-through

HTML subset#

Because CLS Renderer uses Qt for rendering cards, a subset of HTML is provided for text elements, such as:

  • <b> bold text, also usable thru the [b| ] macro which wraps it’s argument in <b> </b> tags

  • <i> italic text, also usable thru the [i| ] macro which wraps it’s argument in <i> </i> tags

  • <font> allows you to change the font family in the middle of a label

  • <img> places images in the text. When used in conjunction with user macros this is a convenient way to add icons to text

These are only some of the tags available, for a fuller explanation of these and more valid HTML, visit the Qt docs for the Supported HTML Subset

shrink-font example#

The shrink-font property is used to create a “shrink to fit” effect. When the text is longer than a given length, the font size is changed to match. Take the example below for a card effect box from a trading card game.

font-size: 11pt
shrink-font: (200: 9pt, 300: 7.5pt)
text: [card effect column from data]

In this example, most cards will have a font size of 11pt, but if the length of an effect (minus HTML) is equal to or greater than 200 characters, the font size will be set to 9pt, and similarly with 300 characters and 7.5pt. So if the length of an effect is 256 characters, the font size would be 9pt. These sizes are check in the order they appear in.

The image Element#

This type sets the default size to 0, 0, the actual size the image is drawn is found using the method described below.

  • source: SOURCE-PATH - the image file to load. Most common file types are recognized, but png is recommended because it’s a lossless format. If the specified image isn’t found nothing will be drawn. Default value is [], no image.

  • keep-ratio: TOGGLE - whether to keep the image’s original aspect ratio when resizing the image. Default value is yes.

  • scale: SCALE-WIDTH(, SCALE-HEIGHT) - amount to scale image by. Unit is one of x, %, or dpi. Composite property. Default value is 1x which means no scaling takes place. If SCALE-HEIGHT is left off SCALE-WIDTH is used for both directions.

    • Values with unit x are factors, where 1x is full size, .5x is half size, 2x is double and so on.

    • Values with unit % are percentages, where 100% is full size, 50% is half size, 200% is double and so on.

    • Values with unit dpi are dots per inch. Use this unit to specify that an image was drawn at a different dpi than the card is drawn at. For example, the default card dpi is 300, but artists will commonly draw at 600, so specifying 600dpi will cause the image to be drawn so it takes up the same real world space.

The final size to render an image is found with the series of checks below.

  1. If the size and scale are unspecified, the image is drawn at full size. This is the default behavior.

  2. If the size is unspecified but scale is provided, the image is scaled based on the provided value and according to keep-ratio when drawn.

  3. If the size is specified in only one direction the image is scaled based on that direction while maintaining the aspect ratio when drawn.

  4. If both width and height are specified, the image is scaled to that size according to keep-ratio when drawn.

The svg Element#

Everything said about image above is true for svg, however it adds one more property.

  • id: ID - an id of a specific element in the SVG document. Default value is [], which draws the entire document.

The Shape Elements#

CLS provides basic shapes. While mainly intended to assist in development of layouts, these may also be used, for example, to provide borders in more simple layouts, or to colorize transparent images.

All shapes share the following properties:

  • line-width: LINE-WIDTH - the width of the line used to draw the shape. Unit is one of px, in, mm. Default value is 0.01in.

  • line-color: LINE-COLOR - the color of the line. Default is black.

  • line-style: LINE-STYLE - the style of the line. Default is solid. Allowed values are:

    • solid

    • dots

    • dash

  • line: LINE-WIDTH, LINE-COLOR(, LINE-STYLE) - this is the composite property for the above 3 properties.

  • fill-color: FILL-COLOR - the color on the inside of a shape. Default value is white.

The rect type has one additional property:

  • corner-radius: X-CORNER-RADIUS(, Y-CORNER-RADIUS) - this property controls the rounding of the corners of a rectangle. Unit is one of px, in, or mm. Composite property. Default value is 0, 0 which is no rounding. If Y-CORNER-RADIUS is left off X-CORNER-RADIUS is used for both directions.

The circle and ellipse types have one additional property:

  • diameter: WIDTH(, HEIGHT) - this property is the same as size except that if HEIGHT is not provided WIDTH will be used for both dimensions.

The line type cannot be rotated or given a size, and has two additional properties:

  • start: X, Y - this property is the same as position.

  • end: X2, Y2 - this property defines the end point of the line. Allowed values are the same as for position. Composite property. Default value is 1/4in, 1/4in, which is also the default for size.