Okay, so realistically most of these have been asked once at the most, but “Potentially Asked Questions” doesn’t sound as good.

So what is CLS?#

It’s a programming language used to describe card layouts. The renderer combines layouts with data in CSV format to make cards. The driving goal is to make a simple to use, easy to read language that make the simple stuff easy and the hard stuff possible.

Is there a graphical editor?#

There is not currently, no. I have very little experience making graphical applications and the time to make CLS would double. Additionally at this point so many features, particularly macros, are wrapped up in the text based format, that the longer I work on CLS the less compatible with a graphical interface it becomes.

If someone else wants to work on a separate graphical editor I’d be happy to work with them to make that happen.

Why should I use CLS instead of (some other card designer)?#

If you’re in the middle of a project and you’re happy with what you’re using, there’s no reason to change. But try out CLS for your next idea, see how it works for you.

CLS is still young and fairly untested. Most other card designers will have more features and be less likely to have bugs, but I’m actively working on making CLS stable and featureful.

I think I found a bug!#

Very possible! The best way to tell me is to make a post on the forum located on the home page, but if you don’t want to make an account for that, you can email me at codlark (at) gmail (dot) com with “CLS BUG” in the subject and I’ll double check the bug and make the post for you.

Are you going to add (some feature)?#

I’ve likely thought about it and either have it in my personal planning doc or have ruled it out for some reason. Make a post on the forum located on the home page and I’ll get back to you on that. For this I do ask that you post on the forum so that it’s easier to have a back and forth about the feature if need be.