
The CLS Renderer has many moving parts and it’s important to keep consistent names for things to not get too confused.


a value passed to a function macro.


The final rendered object made by the generator, does not need to be an actual card. This could also be a token or board, a character sheet, or something not from the table top game space like a letter or mailer, or a sprite used by a video game.

Card Layout Script

The name of the programming language used by the CLS Renderer

CLS Renderer

The app that turns a layout file into cards


An element that contains another element, or the layout if a given element has no container. The phrase “element container” is used to specify the first case.


The process of turning elements as described by the user into object usable by the renderer


The CSV based based data that is used to fill in and customize specific elements of a layout.


A portion of a Layout, for example an image.


To process a value into one that contains no macros or escapes.


A macro that takes arguments. These always compute a return value.


A template for making Assets. A layout contains data about itself, as well as a number of elements.

Layout File

A file containing a layout written in CLS.


A piece of text like [asset-index] that returns another piece of text. These are like the variables and functions of programming languages.


A changeable feature of a layout or element, for example width or angle.


The process of drawing elements onto a card.


The assigned contents of a property. In width: 1in the 1in is a value.

The term value is also used when referring to the data, where it refers to the specific values available as column macros.


A macro that does not take arguments. These generally do not compute their return value.