Undocumented Features#

This page is meant to document features that are otherwise undocumented. The features on this page aren’t great ideas, in fact a couple might be bad ideas, but I implemented them and I don’t want to get rid of them. Nothing here is going to be documented very well, use at your own risk.

text properties#

decoration can be used to turn things off, not just on.

  • no-italic

  • no-bold

  • no-underline

  • no-overline

  • no-line-thru or no-line-through

  • no-word-wrap

That last one controls word wrap, and there is an associated word-wrap property. I don’t know why you’d turn off word wrap tho.

shape properties#

  • line-cap - the cap on the end of a line element, one of flat, square, or round. the last two extend past the end of the line by half its width.

  • line-join - the corner shape for rects with no rounding. one of miter, bevel, orround. really there’s no use for this.

These two can also go at the end of the line property in that order

There are also a couple extra line styles, dot-dash and dash-dot.

pdf properties#

  • center-in-page: TOGGLE - if false, the cards are aligned to the left edge. you probably don’t want this.


[/| VALUE ] - the expansion macro The expansion macro processes and expands escapes. Normally this is the last step of evaluating a value but this macro lets you do it early. As an example, you can use the expansion macro to dynamically generate macro names.

[/| \[ [someMacro] \] ]

Because values are evaluated until there are no more macros, this would end up evaluating a macro with the name of whatever is in [someMacro]. Or for a more complex example

[for-each| (red, blue, yellow),  [/| \[ [item]-icon \] ] ]

This will return [ red-icon ][ blue-icon ][ yellow-icon ], then these macros would be evaluated.